Monday, February 8, 2016

What to know on Cuffs shirt

A cuff is an extra layer of fabric at the lower edge of the sleeve of a garment covering the arm, at the wrist. The function of turned-back cuffs is to protect the cloth of the garment from fraying, and, when frayed, to allow the cuffs to be readily repaired or replaced, without changing the whole sleeve.
Shirt cuffs are divided in to three categories, depending on how they fasten that include subcategories. We will focus on different categories mentioned below:
  • Button cuffs or barrel cuffs have buttonholes on the one side and buttons on the other (sometimes more than one, so that the fit can be adjusted).
    Double barrel cuff and Single barrel cuff

  • Link cuffs, which have buttonholes on both sides and are meant to be closed with cufflinks or silk knots. Formed by :
Silk knots

Double and Single cuffs

    • Single cuffs, the original linked cuff, are required for white tie and are the more traditional choice for black tie. Also, some traditionalists may wear this style with lounge suit as well. 

French, or double, cuffs are twice as long and worn folded back on themselves. French cuffs were once considered to be more formal than button cuffs, although they are seeing resurgence in the business environment, particularly in Europe. Even though traditionally French cuffs could only be worn with a lounge suit or more formal clothing (and not a sports jackets), this is now not followed by most, while some even wear these cuffs without a tie or jacket. They remain the preferred choice for semi-formal, black tie events. 

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